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Appearances Can Be Deceiving

I know it sounds like a tired old cliché, but the fact of the matter is appearances really can be deceiving. Ask the children of Israel as they stared at the wide expanse of the Red Sea. It appeared that there was no way across, but there was. Ask Daniel ...

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America Needs To Accept The Prince of Peace

Impromptu statements made by politicians in response to questions say much about candidates’ beliefs and character. The following examples are not meant to single out or endorse any particular candidate, but they serve the purpose of pointing people to the truth. It was reported that Governor John Kasich stated on ...

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10 Proclamations Based On My State of the Spiritual Union

Upon entering this new year, like opening to a new chapter so to speak, I decided to take an account of my own personal “state of the spiritual union”.  In other words, based on His word, I looked at how close I was walking in accordance with God’s desires for ...

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