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The Solution to Porn Addiction

In his book the Metaphysics of Sex, the Italian philosopher Julius Evola wrote: “In periods of decadence such as the present one, sensuality develops in the dissociated form of simple pleasure. As a result, sex becomes a kind of drug, and the addiction to it is no less profane than ...

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Got an Enemy? Let God Win the Battle for You!

Has there been a time when you would have welcomed a mighty force coming to your aid and defeating an enemy? We all feel the need for rescue at one time or another, and we all face enemies in many forms:  the people who seek to do us harm, afflictions or ...

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Overcoming Vain Imaginations

Vain imaginations come through our minds and present all sorts of worst-case scenarios as well as fearful, worrisome and anxious pictures in our minds. The enemy wants to use your imagination to present to you, “What if?” and, “I should have … ” scenarios hoping you will agree with the ...

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