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America Is At A Crossroads

America is entering a defining year. Which way will she go? Will this nation continue down the current path or make some dramatic changes? Much of it will depend upon who is elected president, but there are many more factors involved. Political correctness and “tolerance” have broken down the clear ...

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A Heartfelt Review of “The Door” by Lorilyn Roberts

About the Book: The Door is the first book in the Seventh Dimension Series that combines contemporary, historical and fantasy elements into a Christian “coming-of-age” story. A curse put on Shale Snyder, because of a secret, shrouds her with insecurity and fear. Following suspension from school, Shale’s best friend isn’t ...

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Tips on How to Deal with Distractions as a Writer

Last week, I settled in my mind that I would be productive in my writing, and accomplish the goals that I believe God had given me for the week. I was eager, motivated, and full of energy at the beginning of last week. It was the start of a new ...

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