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Bringing the Curses of God Upon Ourselves

Western civilization, the civilization built upon the foundations of the Christian faith, is dying a slow death. We are being punished for willfully turning our backs on God. Once we had the blessings spoken of in Deuteronomy 28 such as prosperity and having great nations; now we are suffering the ...

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Are You a Modern Day Eve?

The day the devil deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, was a day like any other. Eve didn’t wake up that morning with a plan to rebel, she went about her day like she always does. It was business as usual. She and Adam were more than likely enjoying ...

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The Shield of Faith

We take up the shield of faith even though we cannot see the power of God working through it at times. The power of God is working through that mighty shield by faith. Every time we call on God in faith to raise that powerful shield He does. With the ...

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