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The Immorality of Pacifism Part 2: Reply to Objections

In my previous article I laid out an argument for the moral bankruptcy of pacifism and now I will answer the defenders of pacifism. Objection one: Jesus said to not resist the one who does evil to you. “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and ...

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Moving Forward in 2016

For many, 2015, was a tough year; setbacks, delays, and distractions seemed to be the main themes for last year. Our nation experienced devastating violence in colleges, movie theaters and even in churches. Unpredictable and destructive weather patterns hit many areas in the United States. ISIS and terrorism attacks came ...

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Will We Make Changes or Excuses?

The world is full of excuses. Excuses for being late. Excuses for drinking. Excuses for not completing projects. Excuses for making excuses. They’re everywhere, and too often they serve as a crutch for well-meaning people. “I would look for better work, but I’m afraid I won’t find anything that will ...

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