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5 Healthy Bedtime Habits to Practice

Believe it or not, your mood in the morning depends heavily on your quality of sleep the night before. Yes, we do get to choose our attitude, but the urge to sleep and the bags under our eyes don’t help achieve a bubbly spirit nor a positive mind-set for the ...

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Are Genetically Modified Foods Modifying You?

Let’s face it: today’s soils and growing methods are not yielding the quality of foods we ate while visiting great grandpa’s farm–which were usually as close to how God made them as one could get. While organic foods have earned a multitude of faithful supporters, controversy still prevails when they ...

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Making Room for the Holy Spirit in Your Life

You are only as full of the Holy Spirit as you allow yourself to be. Unless you make room for him to work in your life, you will remain empty. To make room we must die to ourselves, by which I mean we need to cut out of our lives ...

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