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Where Has Youths’ Passion For Christ Gone?

It seems young people are no longer getting crazy for Christ. Where has their passion for Christ gone? Could it be that it wasn’t there to begin with? Could the issue of lackluster worship from youths be stemming from how they’re now being brought up, or could it be the ...

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Getting Your House In Order

Okay, I really shouldn’t say this out loud, but, it is true–I struggle with clutter.  There are some “neat-nics” that possess only what they need and keep it ordered and perfectly stored, but there are no genes in my DNA carrying that wonderful trait.  I tend toward piles of stuff: ...

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The Look of the Radiant

Children of God when they look to Him will never be put to shame. Their faces will be radiant with joy as God’s love shines on and through them. No matter what trials, battles or uphill struggles they face. Their faces shine with the glory of God. They have learned ...

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