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The Thrill Of Giving And The Delight of Receiving

Part of the delight of celebrating Christmas is giving gifts–that makes perfect sense since God offered us a wonderful example by gifting us with His precious Son, Jesus. (John 3:16)  Gift-givers experience a thrill that travels to the deepest heart level as they witness hope-filled, sparkling eyes anticipating what could ...

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The Bible Is Still The Wisdom Of The Ages

In 2OO8, Life.Church launched BibleApp. It recently topped 2OO million installations, with 1,2OO versions available in 9OO languages. Every second, 112 people are opening YouVersions BibleApp. This multiplies to 6,72O per minute, 4O3,2OO per hour, or 9,676,8OO people per day seeking the wisdom of the Bible online. So, what are ...

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A Memory at Christmastide

The beginning of Christmastide is marked by the 24th of December; it marks the celebration of the Christmas season, and the birth of Christ.  When we were children, it marked an annual tradition that I treasure to this day.  Many of those who shared this Christmas memory have long since ...

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