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I Found Christmas at Wal-Mart

You know, every year I am determined not to let Christmas be commercial.  I am constantly striving to keep the fun and the meaning intact. I long to  protect the magic of childhood and the miracle of His birth. A noble venture … at which I usually fail. Today is ...

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The Responsibility of Sharing the Good News

Christians have a responsibility, a responsibility to not just lead moral lives, but to spread the Gospel to all corners of the world, that was not a suggestion it was a command from Jesus Himself, as He said in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing ...

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Having Realistic Expectations for Christmas

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus, but somehow we have tangled in there other expectations. If we kept the true meaning of Christmas at the center of our minds, we would not have any unrealistic expectations. But, we all do it–create in our minds the “perfect little Christmas.” ...

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