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Vengeful Old Testament God, or Loving New Testament God

An atheist asked me how I reconcile the blood and guts, “vengeance is mine” God of the Old Testament and the loving, forgiving Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Like most Christians I had no real answer, so I started thinking it through and praying about it. Then during my ...

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Can Sexless Marriages Survive?

Not so long ago, I wrote an article entitled the “New Shoes Phase.” This is a fancy way to describe the fresh new feelings and adventures associated with the beginning phase of intimate relationships. But just as how shoes get old, the initial excitement in relationships will get old too. ...

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Immanuel-”God is with Us”

What a blessing it is that God is with us. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. He has been involved with His family since the creation of the world. He revealed Himself through Jesus Christ who the prophet Isaiah called “Immanuel-God is with us.” Contrary to ...

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