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What Cultural Marxism is and Why You Should Care

Cultural Marxism, the second generation of communism, has been damaging our society for decades now. Coming out of the Frankfurt school, which instructed a generation of producers, writers and teachers in the 1960s, this ideology is responsible for the steady decline in family values, the filth on TV and in the ...

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Good Grief? Is There Such a Thing?

Daddy’s been gone a little while now. It’s my 2nd Christmas without him. Two years without him calling on Christmas morning to hear the girls squeal with delight over Santa’s visit. Two years of looking at boiled custard knowing it will last that much longer now without him around. The ...

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The Real Message Behind “Merry Christmas.”

What does Christmas mean to you on a personal level? For some it is nothing more than a holiday for shopping and giving. Others see it as only a celebration of a historic religious figure. To those it is only head knowledge. Christians view it as a time to commemorate ...

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