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Living in The Real Empty Nest

When my daughter went off the college in a town two hours from home, I identified this time as having an empty nest. The first time I saw my aunt and cousin, they rushed to ask me how I liked having an empty nest. I said, “I like it.” To ...

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Our Ever-Changing, Never-Changing World

In its simplest form, change is one of two things: beneficial or harmful. One need only turn the pages of a history book to see the benefits of change over time. Consider the following three areas where great change has occurred … Travel from  Boston to New York City took ...

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Tips for Reducing Stress During the Holidays

The holidays can be exciting as well as stressful for many. Many people drink large amounts of alcohol during the holidays as a way to manage their stress. Taking care of yourself during this time is important so that you do not get overwhelmed with the demands that the holidays ...

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