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Accepting God’s Grace Means Receiving His Power

Here is a study in the book of Ephesians, from the New Testament. Each person has a choice to make about either accepting or refusing the grace of God. It is available to all people as a free gift. If a person accepts it, they can be freed from sin ...

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What is the Responsible Love Christ Requires?

I look at the refugee crisis going on in the Western World and the response from Christians has me asking the question: Are we children of God or are we “free love flower children”? Have we become so drunk on the idea of doing good works so that we do ...

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The Life Changing “Ah-Ha” Moment

Donald Driver starred for the Green Bay Packers for 14 years though he was not always at the top of his game. Growing up in Houston he was familiar with crime, drugs and being chased by the police. He became very skilled at stealing cars as a teenager. He said ...

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