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Our Hope: The Words We Speak

Jesus said, ‘Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.’  Matthew 12:34 (NIV) Have you ever spoken a word, or perhaps more, and immediately wished you could take it back?  Or spoken something in all honesty, but when it came out of your mouth it did not come ...

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Luke Warm or Rearing To Go?

So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!  Revelation 3:16 Jesus has good reason when informing the people to avoid being lukewarm when relating to Him.  Some synonyms of lukewarm are: tepid, blase’, bored, indifferent, mundane, sick of and uninterested.  Would ...

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The Weight of the World at Christmas

I bet you didn’t expect to find an intersection between Greek mythology and Christ–did you? For that matter, would expect to see a connection between the chaos of politics and the peace of Christmas? The iconic Christmas passage, other than Luke 2, is doubtless Isaiah 9:6: For to us a ...

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