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Checkup Time For Your Heart, Emotions and Thinking Powers!

Have you considered your heart lately? How about your emotions and your thinking powers? Like a physical checkup with your doctor, it can be tempting to put off a spiritual checkup to see what is going on inside. But just as it can be dangerous to put off a physical ...

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Evidence of God’s Faithfulness in Hanukkah

What does Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah) have to do with Christianity?  Well, on the surface, nothing. Now I know what you are thinking: “Why is this article so long if we have already established that these two have nothing to do with each other?”  Hold on, do not give up ...

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Identity Theft: A National Problem

It’s likely that you have heard, on more than one occasion, the warning about the risk of identity theft. Some companies provide software to protect you if you fall victim to this crime. Some of the services they provide are credit monitoring and suspicious activity alerts, or reimbursement and assistance ...

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