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I Know the Plans I Have for You

God cannot lie so when He says He knows the plans He has for us then He knows. God stands outside time and He sees the beginning from the end. He created the beginning from the end! There are how many billions of people on the earth? You are not ...

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Have The Monkeys Lost The Evolution Debate?

The creation-evolution debate has always sparked a lot of interest and controversy. Public schools in America have taught evolution for decades, brainwashing our kids to believe that it is the “accepted” belief. People of faith hold to the creationist view. What do the American people as a whole believe about ...

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Our Hope: In God We Trust

“Those who trust in Your name will trust in You, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10 (NIV) We see and hear the word trust all the time.  It is on our money, “In God We Trust”.  It is in our judicial system, in the ...

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