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“Come Away To A Secluded Place And Rest A While”

The compulsion to turn on the news is almost irresistible in the face of a war being waged on western civilization. Where will terror strike next? The internet seems to beckon with a force of its own to various news outlets, and there’s a struggle to put together pieces and ...

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Profiles on the Enemies of God: Tolerance

Tolerance and apathy are the final virtues of a dying society, so said Aristotle. Today we bear witness to the end results of tolerance and are seeing the beginnings of apathy. Tolerance has seeped into the church and poisoned the Body of Christ causing a rotting away of its members. ...

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Can You Spot A Counterfeit?

The word counterfeit invokes images of phony money; money manufactured by criminals in dark basement rooms. And there is good reason to think of currency when thinking of counterfeiting. Since the days of the Civil War, U.S. currency has been imitated by many a counterfeiter. Counterfeiting in the 1860’s was ...

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