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How to Be Real In a World That Embraces All Things False

We have been bamboozled into believing that fake is better. We seem to have no reservations about pretending to be someone or something we’re not. Let’s face it, the society we live in today hardly encourages us to embrace our true self and be genuine. There are so many options ...

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Are You Really Following Jesus?

Had I just bought the most wonderful car I’d ever driven, or read a marvelous book, or just dined at an awesome restaurant, I would gladly expound on every little detail hoping you, too, could enjoy the wonders of each.  So, it is only fitting that I share Pastor Singleton’s ...

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Book Review of “Luther and Katharina: A Novel of Love and Rebellion”

When pivotal figures of history are relegated only to the pages of factual school books, pass or fail exams and dusty encyclopedias, often everything but that single hinge—that pivot point—of their lives is lost. We are left to wonder (or simply don’t): What ordinary days shaped them into that world-changing ...

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