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Do You Really Want To Be Used of God?

How many times have we prayed for God to use us in a mighty way? How often have we pleaded with Him to work through us to help others? It’s an admirable goal, but I wonder if we really know what we’re asking for. In times past, my prayers to ...

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Rest Your Mind, Body and Spirit

So many people are in a continually state of unrest. It is important that you take time to rest your mind, body, and spirit. Otherwise, your entire system will be out of balance. When your system gets out of balance you can be susceptible to illness, negative thinking, depression, anxiety ...

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How to Keep Your Thanksgiving Feast Healthy

Trans fat and your heart are like oil and vinegar, they just don’t mix. This fat raises bad cholesterol levels while lowering the good ones. It also increases your risk of heart disease, and ultimately sends you tumbling down to an early grave. Trans fat is mostly found in partially ...

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