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Looking For Old Treasures

“C’mon Ma you have got to try it” I pleaded to my elderly Mother. I don’t know how my Mother lasted this long without ever using the internet, but enough was enough! I thought. “Ok” she said reluctantly settling down by the computer and slowly putting on her reading glasses ...

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There is None Like the Lord God

God reigns on high and His glory covers the heavens and fills the earth. Who is like the Lord there is no other before Him. Let us call to memory that there is no God like our God. God who calls the beginning from the end and the end from ...

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Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving or Thanks-Living

I admit I am a “Black Friday Shopper.” My sister and I get up long before the sun.  We trudge through the masses in search of treasure. We laugh at the idiots who fight over Furbie  (actually saw someone go down once over that one!), and we love it.  I ...

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