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The Character of America: What Exactly Is It?

Leviticus 19:4 “You should act toward the stranger who lives among you as you would toward one born among you. Love him as you love yourself. For you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” Recently, our President stated that to restrict the intake of ...

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Can you be “A Good Samaritan” Anymore?

 My sister calls me the “Photo Nazi”.   Embarrassingly, a title I have rightly earned. More than a few times my fit has been the source of our family’s entertainment as I try to capture my girls’ childhood from behind my camera’s lens. I love to set up, take pictures just to get the perfect shot. ...

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How Can I Know if God Really Loves Me?

If you do not understand God’s love for you, it will be difficult to grow in relationship with Him and others. Oftentimes, the way we view our parents is how we view God. If we were abandoned by our parents, abused by them, or rejected by them; this will cause ...

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