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Garbage Day at the Altar

Every Monday morning the sidewalks surrounding our home gets filled with garbage. This fact isn’t as a result of rebelling teens, bandit raccoons, or any other appalling reason for that matter. It’s merely because it is garbage day. On Mondays, every home in my community displays their weekly refuse on ...

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God Wants You To Know That He Loves You

I am impressed today to let someone, maybe many “someones”, know that God is not mad at you.  He loves you.  Yes, you. Now don’t start listing all the ways that you have fallen short.  Your enemy, the devil, is attempting to distract you from the truth God wants you ...

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The Power of Prayer

Powerful. That’s what I had always heard people claim prayer to be. As I was growing up, I always knew how important it was to pray. I knew that praying made me feel better if something was wrong, and I was certain that praying was pleasing to God. But I ...

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