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Technological Advancements Leading To The “Mark of the Beast”

With all of the personal information on the internet it would not be at all surprising if someone came up with a plan to invade people’s privacy worldwide. Not only is this happening, but technological advances are in the works with the goal of universal control of all individuals. Jack ...

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The Dance of Worship to The Worthy One

The Dance begins with thankfulness. Thank You for giving me purpose, For cleansing my stained soul. Thank You for making me whole. Thank You for Your broken body. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for Your blessings and gifts, And at this point my hands being to ...

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Conformed to Christ’s Image

What does it really mean to be conformed to Christ’s image? How does God view this transformation in our spirits? We are born into Jesus Christ the moment we are identified with Him in His Father’s kingdom. The Spirit of God transplants us into the heavenly places in Christ. Every ...

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