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Our Hope: Grace Beyond The Terror

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father.”  Romans 8:15 (KJV) Abba Father.  We have heard this name used in songs, and in sermons.  It is one of those names that we think ...

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Monkey Think Monkey Do, Or Thinking God’s Thoughts

Monkey think, monkey do. Scientists recently went “ape” over wiring together multiple monkey brains to make one “organic computer.” An article by Carl Engleking reports the networking of rats and monkeys to produce “simple tasks and computations better than an animal flying solo.” After several tests, three monkeys were wired ...

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How to Find Satisfaction in an Unsatisfying World

The cake was perfectly iced and sprinkled with coconut. There it sat on our pantry shelf when the doorbell rang.  My mother headed to the door to see who was calling, leaving me alone in the kitchen while she talked briefly to the unexpected visitor. At age four, I could not resist ...

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