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Breaking Free From Addiction

Addictions come in many forms, such as, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, and pornography. Addiction happens when we have a compulsive, repetitive desire for a certain thing and we act on the impulse. Nothing else will do until the craving we are after is fulfilled. Have you ever noticed how ...

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You Aren’t the Only One Bearing Burdens

My prayer list is full. At this very moment, I have so many friends and family members who are going through serious trials that it’s downright discouraging. Health problems, job loss, relationship issues, financial stress. You name it. So many who are hurting. So many who need my prayers. Yet, ...

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War Hike: The Trail that Leads to Self-discovery

Sean Gobin returned home from war, and found himself searching for the civilian buried deep inside his heart. The world as he knew it, which was once a familiar place, now became an unfamiliar territory. Sean wasn’t sure how to move forward or how to just be regular again. He ...

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