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4 Surefire Ways to Overcome Gym-timidation

One of the biggest reasons people fear going to the gym, is the high cost or the binding long term contract. However, the runner up—and for some it’s the winner—is the all-embracing intimidating atmosphere in most gyms. You know–husky guys, petite well-toned women, and designer workout gear all around. Admit ...

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Standing Strong in the Face of Persecution

Did you know Billy Graham recently issued a warning for believers in America?  It is more of a reminder of what God’s word has already stated: prepare for persecution. Many of us in this blessed United States have no idea what it really means to be persecuted. We don’t understand ...

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Will The Next U.S. President Be Subject To A One World Government?

God’s agenda is not subject to man’s. Events of biblical end-time prophecy are being fulfilled at a rapid pace in our current events. One of the major prophecies is the forming of a one-world government. From the way things are quickly progressing, the next president of the United States may ...

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