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Life Is Short, Who Are You Impacting?

Rubye and her sisters, Ruth and Rose, have all surpassed 100 years: Rubye by a decade. The sisters lived through the two world wars, influenza and polio epidemics, the development of modern travel–so many  “firsts.” These ladies have enjoyed long, productive lives for sure! And they are not alone. In ...

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The Third GOP Debate: Did You Tune In?

Romans 16:17  “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” (ESV) For those of you who did tune in to the debate Wednesday night, you witnessed attempts by the moderators to stoke ...

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Are You Trying to Live On Yesterday’s Manna

I was just sitting in the worship service dutifully listening on a Wednesday night.   It had been a long day, and I was tired.  I know there were lots of words that the guy said, wise points and great ideas, things that I am sure applied to others in the ...

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