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Life Gave Me Lemons… So I Painted My Wedding Dress!

How would you feel if you got dumped one week before your wedding day? Better yet, what would you do? The typical bride-to-be would probably cry her eyes out… and then cry some more. That’s expected, but what follows the crying isn’t normally healthy nor uplifting. Not to mention, some ...

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A Site of God’s Judgment: The Discovery of Sodom?

In Genesis 19 it is recorded that the city of Sodom was judged for its rampant immorality. Was there really such a city? Is this story true? If it is true it lends support to biblical truth and the belief that God judges sin. For liberals who do not want ...

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The Salt of the Earth

Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth. Salt flavors food to give it a distinct and memorable taste. We are to be the fragrance of the earth for Jesus Christ and season every place we go on the earth. Every pocket of darkness we find on ...

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