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Accomplishing God-Given Goals: Lessons From Nehemiah

I love the book of Nehemiah–always have–every reading!  “Nehemiah?” you respond with raised eyebrows.  Yep, Nehemiah. Why?  First, thanks to my good pastor’s attention to detail and delight with God’s word, the book lays out a clear plan for accomplishing a God-given goal.  Second, Sanballat and Tobiah personify the devil, ...

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Is Weakness A Gift?

Paul’s name would never make a list of weaklings … As Saul, he was an unrepentant executor of Christians. After his dramatic conversion, which included temporary blindness, the tent-maker’s life was filled with trials and sufferings—enough to make the most stout-hearted man turn back from serving God. Paul himself admitted ...

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Modern Feminism: An Identity Crisis

Last month a young college woman wrote an op-ed piece describing the details of her plight to be “taken seriously in an age of subtle sexism.” The article revealed, perhaps more than she realized, why that may be happening. I have to wonder, when did we start raising a generation of ...

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