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The Day Reading Died

This past week marked a sad day for this teacher.  A day I have fought against with every ounce I have in me.  A day I saw coming a long way off, but I fiercely fought anyway.  This day finally came. The day I told my daughter to give up. ...

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Our Hope: Be Inspired!

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 (NKJV) How can one even look about without seeing God’s glory?  It can only be because the heart is heavy, the soul in torment, and therefore the eyes are closed to it.  Because of this, ...

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How Many Times Should I Forgive Myself?

Is it right to ask God to bless something you know you shouldn’t do? No, and you don’t want to. When I am unwilling to “come clean” and choose to lie, it puts a wall between God and me, and I feel shut off. I still talk to Him, but ...

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