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Who Says God Doesn’t Care?

Have you or someone you know ever criticized God for being callous and uncaring?  Individuals who don’t know Him, as well as those who do, make the claims–questioning His ability and desire to rule and reign in love.  God gets tagged the “damn-er” instead of the “bless-er”. Many times, a ...

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Palm Trees: Do You Have The Character That They Do?

Most of us have been compared to something or someone at one time or another. The comparison may have been favorable, or it may have been an insult. But there is one comparison, straight from God’s Word, that is something to strive for—that of the palm tree.  Do you have ...

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Control: Who Do You Want to Have It?

The most recent incident of gun violence has, once again, put the topic of gun control in the headlines. Two ideologies are duking it out, so to speak, over the best way to get control of this problem. It’s curious to me that though few of us like to be ...

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