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Do You Wish God Would Just Be Specific?

I’ve heard people comment that the Bible is too general.  I’ve heard (and probably said it myself) that if God would just be specific, I would know what to do and I would do it.  Well, take heart!  God prompted the apostle Paul to be very specific with the new ...

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You Are Called; No More Excuses

“Hey you.” “Who me?” “Yes, you, child of God. Did you know that you are called?” “No, not me. I can’t preach. I can’t teach. I can’t … [insert excuse here]. Let’s face it, we can really come up with excuses when we want to, can’t we? We often want ...

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Believing the Best in Others

We all have people in our lives who have let us down, or hurt us in some manner. Our flesh may want to seek revenge, stay angry, or even keep unforgiveness in our hearts of the ones who have inflicted pain. Believing the worst in others entails not believing that ...

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