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Missing the Story: The Mass Media’s Ignorance of the Occult

occult, oregon shooting, baby doe, florida principal hypnosis, yoga, occult involvement, wiccan

Some of America’s most horrific headlines recently carry a single common denominator: in each one, the perpetrator was deeply involved in the occult. The Oregon shooter, the mother of murdered “Baby Doe,” and a Florida principal sued in the deaths of three of his students whom he hypnotized all were ...

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What Do Snow White and Her Dwarfs Have To Do With The Church?

In 1934, Walt Disney wanted to create something that had never been done before—a feature-length cartoon story, complete with animation and brilliant color. This began the story of the beautiful princess Snow White and her Seven Dwarfs. Disney risked his career and his very future as an artist in bringing ...

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Is Planned Parenthood Really a Non-Profit Organization?

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood of America, testified before committees of both the US Senate and the House of Representatives. Unless you search specifically for the testimony, you likely will have only seen short video clips, sound bites and partisan commentary. I don’t like my news “deceptively edited” so I ...

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