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That’s Why it’s Called Faith, Part One

Jesus had to have taken part in the creation of the world because if He came later, He could not be equal with God, but instead part of the creation. I believe this, in part, is one of the sticking points for those who reject the concept of the Trinity ...

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Genetics Links Present Day Jews With Aaron The High Priest

Recent discoveries add to the veracity of the Old Testament. The archaeological unearthing of parts of cities, artifacts, and buildings of ancient biblical times, including the city of Gath, the home of Goliath, the giant slain by David, all provide evidence that the Bible is true. A recent article declared ...

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Fight Poverty and Plant Hope in Your Community

The impacts of poverty are well-documented.  Children, of course, are the most vulnerable victims.  In Orland, Florida, the poverty statistics paint a dismal picture.  With nearly 35% of Orlando children living in poverty, the need to “do something” pierced many hearts.  Putting feet to faith takes more than compassion and ...

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