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You May Be Their Only Link to Heaven

eternity, last chance, destiny partner, Namaan, intercession, intervention

That snooty girl at youth group. The arrogant professor who openly disdains Christians. Your passive-aggressive coworker. The world has no shortage of people that can make daily living painful. And it doesn’t end when you graduate high school or college. Selfishness abounds, and so difficult people are plentiful. I was ...

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Can We Please Kill Super Mom?

Somebody recently asked my daughter to tell what her favorite Bible verse was. She said, and I quote, “Whatever that one about God knowing all about you, and loving you anyway. You know, that one that is on my mom’s tattoo on her foot.” (Ps. 139) Not exactly the Sunday ...

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Are You Experiencing Freedom in Christ

Have you experienced true freedom in Christ? To be free in Christ means you are no longer coerced by people’s expectations, you follow Christ’s desires not man’s, you are not bound by guilt that others may place upon you, you are led by the Holy Spirit, and you follow Jesus ...

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