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When You Don’t See God at Work

Have you ever wondered what God was doing in your life? You know that He is loving and that He has your best interest at heart, yet the circumstances of your life don’t seem to prove that. You pray for peace, but instead you get problems. What is God doing? ...

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15 Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is not always bad, but when it becomes overwhelming it can affect your health, your mood, your productivity, and your relationships. Since our bodies do not distinguish between ...

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Are You Taking Your Brain For Granted?

When was the last time you specifically gave thought to the marvels of your brain?  It operates ceaselessly, processing and controlling every big and little function of your physical, mental, and emotional being.  It weighs in at around three pounds of gray matter and is composed of 75% – 85% ...

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