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Our Hope: Who Is The Bride of Christ?

“Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2 (NKJV) We often hear reference to the term, The Bride of Christ.  I have heard differing opinions of what it means, and have heard ...

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Wisdom Is Applied Knowledge–Where Do You Find It?

Picture this:  A small classroom in a Baptist Church in Nashville, TN.  A few girls, and a firery red-head leading the class.  Now fast forward 10 years.  The same girls still sitting under the teaching of that same red-headed spit fire. I learned so much at her feet.  I can ...

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Speaking Your Heart’s Desire Into Being

I don’t remember exactly how the inclination came to me, but I’m fairly certain it had something to do with my devotions mentioning prophesying.  As I drove to my morning meeting, I pondered the idea of various truths being spoken into reality.  At that point, I decided to partake of ...

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