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Strategic Prayer and Action: Time to Take Down a Giant

Planned Parenthood, defund PP, defund Planned Parenthood, facing the giants, topple the giant, slay the spiritual giant, Cecile Richards

For years, many of us have prayed against abortion. The negative exposure Planned Parenthood has been getting this year is a specific answer to this word: “But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light” (Ephesians 5:13) I believe Planned Parenthood has been brought into the light ...

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Facing A Storm? Keep A Cool Spirit

What makes you feel bothered, distressed, jumpy, or unstable? Is it the small, daily irritations piled one on another? Maybe it’s the true storms that come upon you unexpectedly: failed health, relationship troubles, loss of various kinds.  Anything that tries our patience or challenges our  faith can bring these emotions ...

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A New Season of Leadership

This past week, Representative John Boehner shocked the political world and all the nation with his sudden resignation due to take place this month. As Speaker of the House, he is third in line to the presidency. In the event the President and Vice President are unable to perform the ...

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