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Why Criticizing Others is Harmful

Criticism can be defined as dwelling on the perceived faults of another person with no view to their good. “But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written: ...

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Is Your Life Out of Balance?

Does it ever seem to you like the things in your life are completely out of whack? Your health is failing. Your finances are a disaster. Your job is draining the life out of you. Despite your expert juggling skills, you can’t find the time or energy to balance family ...

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What Kind of Husband Are You?

Remember the story of Goldilocks? She was the girl who stumbled upon three bowls of porridge; one was too hot, the other too cold, and one which was just right. Don’t be too surprised that this same description can be applied to the type of husband you are. I’ll explain. ...

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