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The Real Cause of Climate Change

climate change, koch brothers, pantheism, extreme environmentalism, Al Gore

Modern science is divided over many hot topics that are being taught or assumed as fact, including Darwinism, the origins of the earth, and climate change. Yet there is an enormous drive to punish and penalize those who won’t worship at the altar of extreme environmentalism. Why? Every human being ...

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Ashes to Ashes, and Dust from Dust

Job 34:15 “All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.” As I walk down the center aisle leading a procession carefully holding an urn with the ashes of my father-in-law, I understand in a very practical sense verses such as these from Job. Man is created ...

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The Imperfectly Perfect Woman

As women, we stress about beauty, money, children, spouse, and power, among others. We aspire to be the perfect woman. As a result, women, tend to become very competitive. Even though the Bible warns that it’s unwise to compare ourselves to each other, we still insist on doing it. “Oh, ...

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