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Save Your Health, Worry on Wednesday

We’ve all felt its effects: dry mouth, racing heart, stomach upset, and irritability. These are the symptoms of worry. In its deception, worry leads its victims down a path to nowhere–rolling the same concern over in the mind obsessively with no answer in sight. J. Arthur Rank knew the effects ...

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The Character and the Future of America

These United States are in the beginning stages of choosing their next president. Who we elect will reveal the character of our nation.  You may have watched the second debate, or perhaps you have heard sound bites from the abundance of candidates who took their place on the stage. All candidates possess ...

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Which Law Did Kim Davis Break?

Americans are divided on the Kim Davis story. There are many factors at play here. Some people view her as a hero, while others see her as being disobedient to the “law of the land.” She faced giving up her job or going to jail. She chose the latter. How ...

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