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12 Practical Ways to Encourage Others

Everyone goes through difficult times, and most people appreciate encouragement when they are going through hard times. Merriam-Webster’s definition of encouragement: to make someone more hopeful, determined and confident. To inspire with courage, spirit, or hope. You may never know how your words can lift someone out of despair or ...

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Spice: A Deadly Flavor to Avoid

The term “man-made” has taken a turn for the worst. Men are not only making useful items such as cars and toasters anymore, but they are taking drug-making to a deadly level. Synthetic drugs are becoming the new norm, but it’s actually doing more harm than good—especially one known as ...

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When You Want to Throw Your Hands Up

Traffic that won’t budge when you’re already running late. A co-worker that is rude and demanding when you haven’t yet had your coffee. A computer that keeps crashing when the report was due yesterday. Think for a minute about the many things that we experience on any given day that ...

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