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Basking in God’s Goodness

As I sit outside this morning feeling the crisp fall air, I am reminded to bask in God’s goodness. Last week like so many other weeks was hectic, and I rarely stopped to just enjoy God’s blessings. Earlier on my jog today I noticed the stunning sun rising and a ...

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Gift: That Which You Presently Have To Give Away

Our guest speaker, the Rev. Jimmie Bratcher, shared a moving story today at church that blessed my heart.  It focused on “giving your gift.”  His message was based on Proverbs 18:16 and offered the original definition of “gift”: that which you presently have to give away. I share the story ...

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What Does Godly, Good Fruit Look Like?

Jesus made it very clear that a tree is known by its fruit. He says in Matthew chapter 7:  “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.”  Now He was specifically speaking of false prophets in this passage. However, it is also true ...

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