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Making Moments Matter: Investing Time With Your Kids Part 2

In yesterday’s article, I brought up the topic of quality time and how the culture we live in seems to distract and justify the limited amount of quality time we spend with our kiddos. Before I continue with the additional distractions I faced, I want to clarify the difference between ...

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Francine Rivers Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Francine Rivers at a book signing in June. Courtesy of Facebook.

She has captured the hearts and minds of readers for decades. Francine Rivers, the author of more than 20 Christian fiction novels, received the Lifetime Achievement Award on September 19 at the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Awards Gala. “Few people have had the kind of impact that Francine Rivers ...

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Why I Have A Faith that Can Move Mountains

I have often asked myself why I believe, why I have faith in Jesus Christ. What is it that makes me believe and why? I’ve read the Scriptures and a lot of theology. I’ve spent many hours over the years wrestling with the deepest questions and looking into the mysteries ...

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