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When Life Get’s Hard, Don’t Quit–Pedal!

One of my epic failures in motherhood has been to successfully teach my youngest to ride her bike. I guess I should clarify. The concept has been grasped, it is the execution she finds daunting. She gets the whole idea of pedaling; it is just controlling the bike that is an issue. ...

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Recognizing and Responding to Passive Aggressive Behavior

passive aggressive, antisocial, borderline personality

In a previous post, passive aggressive behavior was explored and some examples given of what it can look like. Passive-aggression is a dysfunctional means of communicating anger or resentment through procrastination, sullenness, pouting, obstructing, feigned forgetfulness, and other methods that avoid direct confrontation. Passive aggressive people may be seething with ...

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Making Moments Matter: Investing Time With Your Kids Part 1

What are children desiring these days besides a piece of technology? Time. Quality time spent with their parents. Like a doctor on call 24/7 we are reachable by our family, friends, and neighbors anytime, anywhere. Although there are many positives to having a revolving door of connection, there are also ...

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