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Jesus is Coming Soon… Or Not!

If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard the phrase “Jesus is coming soon,” I’d be a couple thousand dollars richer. I bet many others will agree. For years Christians from all over have been declaring that Jesus is coming back very soon, but He is yet to ...

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The Time for Salvation is Now

The hour and day of Salvation is now. When you hear His voice today, don’t harden your hearts. Throughout history God has invited mankind to His side to accept His gracious gift of free salvation. Genesis records the war over man’s soul between God and Satan; before the foundation of ...

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Can Our Brain Benefit from Cursive Handwriting?

The use of cursive handwriting has slowly declined since the 1970’s. It is seldom taught in our schools today. Although it is no longer included in the Common Core State Standards curriculum, teachers can make a decision on a local level as to whether or not to teach their students ...

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