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7 Practical Tips for Gaining Contentment

I always believed that a house with a white-picket fence and 2.5 children would bring me contentment. God however had other plans for me than my picture-perfect idea of what I thought was satisfaction. I struggled for years accepting that my life had turned out differently than I had hoped. I ...

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God Still Gives Divine Revelation Through His Word

Ever have a sudden revelation about a Scripture or some part of God’s Word? Something even that you have been pondering and suddenly the light bulb goes on? The Word of God is alive and when you read it, the Author is right there with you, and we know God ...

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The Value of A Time To Be Quiet

It was a strange battle plan by any standards! Marching around the walls of the city. The priests blowing trumpets. According to our human logic, the entire assault was nonsensical, but that just goes to prove that God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:9). They’re much better. . . ...

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