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A High School Pro-life Club: One Girl’s Victory

Many of America’s high school students are taking  bold stands for their beliefs. That is a very positive thing because they are our future leaders. One such example is Angelique Clark at West Career and Technical Academy in Las  Vegas, Nevada. She was told that she could not have a ...

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How Far Should You Pursue the American Dream?

May I ask you a question? Is it ever okay to quit?  To let a dream die … just because you don’t want it anymore? A dream that was 30 years in the making? Is it alright to shut the door on a lifetime of perfecting your craft?   Can you walk away from ...

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Dear Future: A Letter to You (Part 2)

Dear Future, I know we have never met. We don’t know each other, but I have a good feeling about us. By God’s grace, we should get along just fine. I was friends with my past, but not anymore. My life seemed to always be in turmoil because of our ...

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