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Life in the Spirit = Supernatural Faith!

Then he began to speak to them: “The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!”  Luke 4:21 The words Jesus had just spoken were powered by the Spirit … the fulfillment of them would be as well.  The words were not unknown to the folks in the Synagogue. ...

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Our Hope: Taking The Bad With The Good

“So we can confidently say, ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ ” Hebrews 13:6 (ESV) If you will take a moment to look at the picture attached to this post, you will see a glorious look at the heavens, with many ...

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A Lesson From Wallpaper: Finding the Meaningful in Messy

I have a new set of heroes. An uncommon tribe to say the least. It sounds silly, but nonetheless … People who hang wallpaper as a profession. I had a bright idea last weekend, which in hindsight was more along the lines of dimly lit. Wallpaper is making a come back ...

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