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Why I Feel the Need to Figure Things Out

I am notorious for trying to figure out the outcome of a situation before it happens. I come up with all the possible scenarios, and then analyze each one. For a long time, I had absolutely no idea why I did this. Now, I have come to realize that I ...

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The Secret To Finding Everlasting Peace

Have you ever put a puzzle together and tried to force a piece where it didn’t belong? Or worse yet, have you ever done a puzzle only to discover that there was a single piece missing? Whether the puzzle was 25 pieces or 5,000, a missing piece ruins the entire ...

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Is There Such a Thing As Too Much Purity?

When it comes to Biblical marriage, many people put their whole focus on sex, but that is not what marriage is built on, even though it is important. The commentators and the naysayers focus on this and ridicule Christian young people for wanting to remain pure until marriage, but Christians ...

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